Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One last post (probably!)

As the clock continues to tick down towards departure time on my travel adventures, I can't help but feel very blessed.

I know I've spouted this rhetoric before, but it is the one thing that has continued to stick with me throughout this trip. The places I have seen are better than words can describe - and as brilliant as that is - it can't replace the experience of meeting so many fascinating people along the way.

Yes, I achieved a life long (boyhood) dream today by playing golf in Scotland. Photographic evidence, seen here

But my day would have been far less if it had not been for two Scottish men I met on the first tee. Not only were they locals who helped guide me through the winding and sometimes treacherous course, but also lead me on an Edinburgh pub crawl after the round. For you can't come to Scotland and not be "pissed!" they explained to me later. And how could I argue.

In all likelihood, this will be my last post.

It has been a brilliant four months. I have been tested in ways I would never have imagined and can only hope it has made me a better person.

A huge thanks to all those I met along the way who helped make this journey so incredible. If you are reading this, you know who you are.

It has been remarkable.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Queensferry St,Edinburgh,United Kingdom