Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Winding down...

Going into this trip, I never had an agenda, except for knowing that I would start in Barcelona and go to Lisbon afterwards. And then throw caution to the wind. It has been an amazing ride but there is finally an end in sight. I didn't really want to think about the day that I would have to return to reality, but now that it is upon me, I am excited to be going home. Don't get me wrong, it is still very bittersweet. I have met so many incredible people and seen so many beautiful things that it is hard to leave them behind. But I know that this won't be the last time.

I can't help but feel so damn lucky.

Off to London tomorrow, then Scotland before I hop the pond!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. You are returning!!? I mean, of course I can't wait...but I do wish you could have stayed for as long as your heart desired.

    Will you be home by our birthday?

